Friday, September 19, 2014


How many of us have experienced or heard about a collapsed building? The effects are devastating. Asides the loss of  investments, is the possible loss of lives which is more heartbreaking.

 So many factors can be attributed to the collapse of buildings amongst which are:

~A weak Foundation
~The kind and quality of materials used in building.

What is obtainable in the structure being put up cannot be separated from the parties involved in the building process.

 A very important question to ask at this point will be... WHAT KIND OF PEOPLE WERE INVOLVED IN THE BUILDING???
The point is that THEIR CHOICES resulted in the collapse of the building!

So now, let me bring it close into our relationship experiences.
A lot of people have been entangled in wrong marriages and keep trying to work things out. Some have resulted to enduring hoping that someday a change will come. Well, will a change come? Hmmmmmm

You know the scriptures say that if the foundation is destroyed, what can the righteous do?
Can you answer the question?

I tell SINGLES that they are the most fortunate set of people. Why? Because they are still yet to make a choice for a life partner.
The point is that you must desire to be well informed so that you can decide rightly.

As pillars exist for holding on to the vital edges of a structure, so also there are specific pillars needed for a relationship to stand and survive the storms of life, regardless of how vehement. Remember the wise man that built his house on the rock and the foolish man that built his house on the sand?

SINGLES, when making the choice of  who to marry, remember the wrong pillars which if used will ensure your marriage does not last no matter how much you try, except the parties change or they are changed.

Also, remember the right pillars that will ensure it's sustained no matter the storms and years that roll by.

 1. Making a choice of a life partner based on the fact that he's handsome and she's beautiful.
 2.  Money
 3.   As a payback for kindness done.
 4. Pressures from various quarters.
 5. Being advanced in age.
 6. Frustration
 7. Payback for your ex.
 8. Wanting to be free from parental and siblings pressure.
 9. Because my mates are getting married.
10. Because it's the next logical thing to do after work.
11. For sexual pleasure.


 1. The fear of God.
 2. Same values
 3. Similar Vision
 4. Unconditional love
 5. Desire to serve and help

An attempt to ignore the wrong pillars will no doubt make you a victim. Embracing the right pillars definitely enlists you in the hall of those enjoying their marriage.

The choice to endure or enjoy starts now!

Yours in Love,

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