Friday, August 29, 2014


If there's anything the devil has robbed this generation of... It is to downplay on the importance of prayer and make us rely absolutely on our feelings and reasoning.

In as much as it's important to employ common sense in our approaches,it's very much important to engage in prayer in other to bring to birth and establish God's purposes for our lives.

How unfortunate is that one, who is neither praying nor has someone praying on his behalf!
How ignorant people can be when they think that I'm "lucky" to marry a great man. I wish they could also pull apart the curtains and see those times I submitted my feelings and my heart to the service and will of my God in prayer, regardless of what was obtainable on the outside!

One of such areas we need to embrace the weapon of prayer if we have not been doing so, is in OUR RELATIONSHIPS! Please, let's not continue to make the world feel like our God is a wicked Father, who does not care about the happiness, fulfilment and security of His children.

Many have gotten entangled in relationships that left them hurt,bitter,depressed and even dead! Why? Because they never committed it into God's hands. It is VERY IMPORTANT for you to pray if you must make a success of your relationship and destiny as a whole.

 I get disturbed when I counsel people on relationship and I ask them if they prayed before the commencement of their relationship and they say NO! Wow!!!
A guy will ask a lady out without praying about it and a lady will equally say yes, without ACTUALLY praying about it.
Read it from me... That's suicidal!

You must have heard a lot of people say that who you marry has a long way to go in determining what becomes of your eventual destiny. Well, they are not wrong! We are all products of one relationship or the other because no man is an island.

I must re-emphasize here that I never tell or teach people what I did not work with, myself. The Lord said to me many years ago..."Your spiritual life was created for others. Whatever you want to tell people about me, I want to see you living it"

I'm not telling you to abstain from premarital sex because I did it and found out that it was wrong. Rather, I kept myself and found out it was the best thing I could ever have deprived myself of, in other to enjoy the fruits I'm enjoying now.

I won't tell you about the power of praying In your relationship if I didn't pray BEFORE, DURING AND AFTER!

BEFORE: Before you start a relationship, PRAY!

DURING: During a relationship, PRAY!!

AFTER: In marriage, PRAY!!!

Prayer is a lifelong process and it simply means to communicate with your heavenly Father.
It is only a dead man that does not communicate!

As a lady, when I discovered I started having feelings for him, I did not jump out to propose as some ladies do these days and give you a million and one reasons why its OK to do so.
Rather, I fell down on my knees to pray, yielding the weight of my feelings to my first husband... God!
I then made myself friendly, presentable and approachable without compromising my integrity. Get that?

Well, hear what the Lord said to me, right there on my knees!  "Adeolu is yours. Be patient. He will come"
God knows his son by name as well as you, reading this. He is not blind or in the dark as regards who he desires for you in marriage. After all, He created you, so think deeply about that!

When the time came  and a relationship commenced as said by God himself, I prayed again! In fact, we both went out to pray in that month of July and we DELIBERATELY committed our relationship into the hands of God; asking Him to keep us rooted in his will all through. So, we kicked off the relationship strongly FOUNDED IN AND ON HIM!

2 weeks to my wedding and 3 years into my courtship, I  was still praying fervently for a confirmation like I just met him! Why? I've always known that the choice of a marriage partner is not pizza and ice-cream!

Now, tell me if I won't get it right and if I won't be saved from the troubles and chaos getting married to the wrong person can cause.

Truth be told...

We always tend to leave God out because we want to satisfy our flesh and relegate the spirit to the background forgetting that in the spirit is our security, peace and fulfilment.

However, marriage can be hell for that man/woman who relies on his/her feelings and reasonings alone. Always remember the words in 1Samuel16:17.... "But the Lord said to Samuel, do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For man looks at the outward appearance , but the Lord looks at the heart."

God sees the heart. Prayer reveals that heart!

I hate to use this as an example but the person asked me to do so, using the example for other singles out there. I won't go into the details but I saw clearly that this person in question should be patient and not go ahead with the marriage. The person did not listen to me! About 3 months after, the person is telling me he/ she wished he/ she had listened to me!

I tell people, it doesn't take 2 months to know if you married the right person or not after marriage , no matter how many years you spent in courtship!


*Praying will keep you in the will of God.

*Praying will make you focused on the most important things in a relationship. Not your feelings, but the positive growth of both parties.

*Praying will save you from mistakes and hurts that can hinder your growth and eventual success in life.

*Praying will empower you with the grace and wisdom to avoid sexual sins.

* Prayer will guarantee you speed.

My question to you now is this...
At what stage are you in your relationship today (if you're in one)?
Did you pray before starting out?
Are you praying?

Whatever your answer is, it is time for you to fall down on your knees and PRAY!
It's going to be either of these 2...

Quit the relationship or Continue!

Don't be afraid to seek the truth ad pursue it. Rather, be afraid to avoid the truth and then end up in a pit. Also, don't forsake the counsel of older and spiritually mature people. Others might help you see in case you're "blinded" by love or marriage will make you see!

ONE THING we must also take note of is the fact that you'll forever need prayer even if God commanded the relationship. That is what some people don't realise. In fact, a marriage that  is God's will has great potentials of experiencing oppositions. That is why you should be sure that God is in agreement   with your relationship so you can stand up and fight for it if challenges arise!

Challenges against a relationship does not necessarily mean that you should quit ad chicken out.
Before my marriage, the Lord told me clearly to prepare for war! Weeks before the wedding, I saw the war! However, He reminded me that he had told me earlier, so I was energized to pray, being convinced that I was fighting a right war.
There's a right and a wrong war folks!

So you see... Your relationship with God and communion in PRAYER is a strong pillar needed for a fulfilling, purposeful and lasting relationship.

Till HOR comes your way next week Friday, keep believing in love, keep believing in God!

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